Sunday, December 31, 2006

MY New Year 2007 Resolution!!

I've been thinking about what I want to change for the new year of 2007, as I am sure all of you have been too. Then my thoughts went back to an afternoon I had recently with Wille Crafoord. He told me a little about his life and when he sort of changed direction in his career. He decided a few years ago to view himself as "Haute Couture", MEANING: to cater his shows to his clients/ fans. This has TOO a double meaning ofcourse. WE ARE ALL HAUTE COUTURE! We are all:

as much worth as everybody else
made by GOD. Mirrors of Jesus, God's Son.

This thought made me LOVE Wille (not because he is so fucking handsome). It's SO great. And it is SO true. I want you to check his site, it's for us. His voice is amazingy great.

on a side note, love his support for Moderaterna/ Fredrik Reinfeldt.

So, my New Years Resolution is:

TO REMEMBER THAT I AM COUTURE!! That I am special and have an amazing talent that is ONLY mine. And to remember the SAME of everybody else, as the same goes for you. Respect yourself (as another female hero, Madonna ones said)!!!!!

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