about & contact info

hey wonderful human beings:)

welcome to my little place in our universe

first thing,
 will post here as i fancy, so there is no schedule
for in between beauty 
follow me on instagram
 this blog is to share my journey 
as a fine art photographer, stylist & editor;
 documenting obsessively my life and all its daily wonders of beauty!
 i too shares what inspires me. 
i am based out of epping & london😊 

lots of love
alice saga

for sweetness collaborations (or other things)
email me:

"that you are here - that life exists and identity,
that the powerful play goes on, 
and you may contribute a verse."

- walt whitman, leaves of grass (1892)

faith hope love
alice amorina saga rose

1 comment:

Íris Azevedo said...

Just found your website when I was searching for inspiration on pinterest, it just connects to my soul in a way it's rare to happen. Your art is magic