Tuesday, February 01, 2011

A Moment.

I want to give a moment to Jon Spendrup, whom passed away the other day! At the age of 34 his heart stopped.

Randomly me and Jon took some classes together at College in New York. I'll never forget our first introduction.... I'm Jon Spendrup he says.....I turn around and say: That is Such a Strange last name:) What kind of name is that???. After that I was just happy to have met another Swedish person in my classroom....we were the only ones. It's funny (or shall I say embarrassing) to admit this, but the Spendrup's is one of the most famous families in Sweden.

From the tiny amount of time I knew Mr. Spendrup; he was adorably charming! I think the world has lost a wonderful talent. This boy has passed away way too young and I am so sorry.

My heart goes out to his family and close friends.

That's all!

With Love
Linda Marina Portman

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