Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mr. John Currin

The first time I found out about Mr. Currin, was when I had to do research as an associate at The New York Times Magazine, He was about to exhibit at the Whitney Museum in New York (2003). We were sort of doing a fashion story based on his paintings. It's hard not to get VERY impressed and influenced in how he views the world of women. For me the view is astonishing.

Why DID i come to think of him now? We'll he has one of the most inspiring wifes of our time, Rachel Feinstein. And i actually came to think of them because of another stunning couple: Ruben and Isabelle Toledo who walked the red carpet at the opening of Paul Poiret at The Metropolitan Museum (which I blogged about a few days ago)

in almost all of Mr. Currin's paintings it's something with the EYES. They are sort of like black holes. Scarry but also thrillling. You sort of get dragged into the world of desperation, the desperation of women. But not in an evil way, just to make us see and sometimes to make us laugh.

He's also a GREAT painter.

The picture right here is called: "thanksgiving".

hope you'll enjoy these images/ paintings.


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