Sunday, August 24, 2008

Arturo Elena

This is How fashion should be illustrated. Stylized and somewhat Surreal with a touch of Glamour. The color of it and the sense of High End Fashion, no matter what the price tag of the label drawn.

Wonderfully Beautiful and Luxurious!

Arturo Elena's website is HERE.



Anonymous said...

as if images of women in fashion weren't skeletal enough. at least with an illustration, one is aware that an image is not real.

Alice Saga said...

i am sorry, i did not intend it to be looked at in that way. I just think he is highly talented.

but i agree, too skinny and not nice.

Anonymous said...

his intention isnt to make them skinny, he takes inspiration from gruau and erik and hence forth extentuates female form and curves; imagine them as a line not a figure.

Alice Saga said...

his work is still stunning to me.

I just don't want anyone to think that we/I prefer sickness to health. in order to be beautiful.

I totally love his work.

thank you!!! To think in lines instead of figure makes it even more stunning conceptually.
