Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Irina Ionesco

I just read darling Saga's blog The Neverending Story and was reminded of one of the most talented photographers of this world living today.

I have blogged about her before ( in January 2007....), to view you can go HERE and HERE. I had, and I am now still, gotten obsessed over Madame Ionesco's daughter Eva whom she photographs more than often.

Before her first exhibit, in 1975, Irinia Ionesco had already got the attention of a particular group of artists; but her paradoxal success and acclaim would come with her biggest scandal; the exhibit Eloge de Ma Fille would enter the Nikon gallery in Paris and it was that same fetishist look, now turned towards her, Eva Ionesco... from the age of 5 to the age of 10, in erotic essays. The proposal for this series of photos came from Eva herself; those were, without a doubt, much different times, it was a time of search for acceptance and sexual freedom, of freedom of the body.

I would say, any time of the day, please give me the here and now; and I will turn it into art. As will you.



electric feel said...

great blog!

Alice Saga said...


Miriam said...

gosh i love these photos!!!

Alice Saga said...

i'm obsessed!!!
