Thursday, August 13, 2009

Portraits, Pastels, Prints: Whistler in The Frick Collection June 2 through August 23, 2009

James McNeill Whistler: five paintings, three pastels, and twelve prints.

Years ago when I was feeling very low, someone told me to do go see things I considered beautiful. Art, from certain periods, is one of those things that I find amazingly peaceful to my eyes.

I started to visit various museums more often to enjoy what I had around me, I was living in New York/ Manhattan at the time so it's not that I was lacking from sources....! One day I found The Frick.

Oh what can I say, it Is The Frick. I love that house with all its interior and art.

This exhibit contains paintings by James McNeill Whistler that Mr. Frick collected between 1914-1919.

If you are in New York, go and enjoy the marvels of The Frick and works by Mr. Whistler.

The Frick


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