Enjoy my Behind the Scenes images:)
I will tell you more/ and show you the finished material when it's published next year. This is a visual diary of my Saturday and Sunday!
The darling in the shoots...she is Kim Glaser @ Next. Can't wait to work with her again:)
Can you share who made/sells those fabu purple pants?
of course I can.
It's PPQ s/s 2010 pants.
They are Adorably Amazing, don't you think?
Diary10-beautiful like a canapy of the heavens
that sounds adorable:)
I want these pants!! xoxo Love, your Bishop drink partner
Darling Madame X:
We could ask to buy the sample when the season is over if you'd like?
love from your partner in crime:)
can't wait to see this story..... Hugs dear
many hugs back:)
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