Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Diary 175: A Tiny Prepp Tuesday

I am prepping for a little shoot of mine:) So am running around town a tiny bit.

Today was too a new experience...went to Westfield Shopping Center in West London and was slightly OverWhelmed since it's Huge. Severely Tired after this one. Will bring my lovely Mother here though when she comes to visit, she will love it.

Did go to Top Shop and fell in love with a couple (among them a rip of a dress from Victoria by Victoria Beckham's collection:):) ) of things, no I did not buy anything.

Took a walk down to the Thames:) Such Beauty down there.

The last image/s are random things from my iPhone that inspires me at the moment.

The flowers & food images are from Whole Foods. Went there this morning for an energy drink.

Alice Solantania Saga


Miss Tallulah Porkchop said...

And in turn, your blog inspires others. :)

Anonymous said...

And you made my morning:) xx