Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Diary 201: A Wonderful Christmas Day & Evening

Christmas this year was the most beautiful day:) Full of snow, food, games, family and gifts.

I Love the 24th of December!

Top to bottom: 1&2 Did my usual morning walk! Such beauty when the snow comes out. 3&4 Me with Skrallan wearing a Paul & Joe dress. 5 I made this as a 7 year old:) 6-8 The Christmas lunch and desert I had with my big family. 9 I got my Fjallraven, Grace Coddington's book and some kitchen towels that my grandma had embroidered a very long time ago:) 10 After lunch and some people had left, we went to my mother's house to play what we call the Christmas game. The 5 of us buy lots of presents for around £3-4 and then we have to win as many as possible...a Highly Stressful game but so so much fun. A little tiny tradition with mom, aunt and the two step dad's. 11&12 Afterwards we have cakes, coffee and some cognac. A late night.


Much Love
Alice Solantania Saga

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