Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Diary 223: I Am Happiness

If it makes you happy, It can't be that bad!;) -Sheryl Crow

As you may know, I am in hometown where I grew up & the sun is shining and it is summer warm. This I have been loooonging for....sunshine, summer, family & my best friends. Beautiful morning walks too of course. And inspirations. Spending time with my aunt & mother.

Images: 1 My collage/ mood board for today:))). 2 Me in my 2011 summer dress which is from H&M and full of butterflies. 3 Yesterday's breakfast. 4 Uddevalla city and it's Bave An. 5-6 Beauty as found on my morning walks. 7 Yesterday me and my aunt went to her best friend for some prosecco. Her house is full of wonders. 8 Yes I did have one. It's a lovely bakery called Wiener Konditoriet. 9 Yesterday I had a glass of wine at our museum called Bohuslan while going through old magazines ripping & saving for my future beauty collages:)). 10 I had lunch with my mom today, and I had the best best best time. And the best food I have had in ages. We went to Butlers which is sort of like an English pub in Uddevalla. The Loveliest Staff plus they have wifi which is always welcome. 11 The CAT!!!! Adorable Cuteness. 12 Me yesterday on my morning walk. K means KARLEK (as in LOVE) which obviously I made up hahaha; and when I was younger I had to step on all of them because then I would meet my forever and ever one. Such A Sweet Heart Alice Wonderland Style I Was Already Then. Believe in Fairy Tales Always!!!:).

How I Feel at the Moment

"inte ett moln
så långt ögat kan nå
inte en droppe regn
på flera dar
med en glass i min mun
å i sandaler av plast
går jag i solen
och tänker på dig
ljusblåa dagar
seglar förbi

Sommaren är kort
de mesta regnar bort
men nu är den här
så ta för dig
solen skiner idag
hösten kommer snart
de går med vindens fart
så lyssna på mig
solen skiner
kanske bara idag"

-Tomas Ledin's Sommaren ar Kort

alice solantania saga

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