Friday, November 01, 2013

A Halloween Thursday as Rosemary's Baby Violet Consisted of These Things: Cats, A Miss Likey, Steven Meisel, Antiques, Charlie Le Mindu, Manish Arora & A Franklins Pumkin Turning Into My Prince!

Woke up & felt like the devils angel;) Rosemary's Baby Violet to be specific. Ran out the door for some forest magic with a cat looking after me;) Then home to get dressed, find inspirations for the next collage (here all by Mr. Steven Meisel) & for some fruity beauty before heading to Totem's press day for S/S 14! Fell madly in love with a few things among them the amazing head peace by Charlie Le Mindu (see some images of mine here from his first show, spring 2010, which was amazing) & the prints of Manish Arora. Also discovered a new talent whom will be my Love of Today on Monday:)) Then off I was to meet the ADORABLE Nina of Miss Likey whom on a Halloween Day looked so cute that a Violet devil like me could have dangered her;))) Kidding. We strolled around the amazing market of Spitalfields which on Thursday's have the real old antiques market happening. After the wonders we sourced here we went to The Breakfast Club to talk & talk about boys:)!!! And life! Then I went home to my second home, Franklins where the whole staff was Halloween ready:) And this is where my pumkin became a prince.

With Endearing Love

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