Thursday, December 05, 2013

Today Is No Bad Faith

The Violet way.

What a day! For some reason I trust that ideas is to come at all times and no planning is it's suppose to happen at all times. So I did have a moment of freak yesterday when I realised I do not have enough props for my advent art project. I mean ideas is nothing if one does not have the props involved to get the ideas carried out right? Hallelujah! I did come up with some solutions last minute, thank God!

Some images has been creative let downs, however they might actually be my special ones I have decided:) we'll wait and we will discover.

No Bad Faith

The above statement I have stolen from my wonderfully talented friend Timothy Nazzaro whom named his new book just this. I think it's brilliant. It means you are to trust. And that I do at all times.

Yes I have a new book & I am ecstatic! Deborah Turbeville imperfect perfection is to devour.

Today was Totally Violette.

Alice, Linda & Violette

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