Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Today I Am The Queen of the Fairies

"today i am so marvellous 
 so that only the marvellous brilliance
 has power over me"

- the queen of the fairies

and i have just seen a marvellous peacock. such colourful perfection. day two of exploring is kew gardens:) a happy fairy midsummer queen i am!

stay candy cute brilliant

a fairy queen outfit

this shop rocks vintage dress
antique earrings
grandma's gold heart
burberry flats

anais perfection:)

this month of july, i will create an ipad collage a day! yesterday's first i call "the queens of the fairies", since she is my next self portrait shoot! 
alice solantania saga

(the anais quote is from pinterest Images in my collage that are not by me are taken from my pinterest (re-pinned)& tumblr (re-blogged), please let me know if I have used your image and you want to be credited and I will do asap! )

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