Monday, August 24, 2015

A Raw Pecan Brownie & A Wild Flower Garden

i created a raw brownie yesterday:)
it's a recipe of deliciously ella that i changed slightly, plus i made it in to a single serving:))) 

mix this in a processor:

5 dates
6 pecans
1 tablespoon raw cacao powder
2 packets of stevia
if need be, a tiny dash of soy milk 

put the mix in a baking tray ( i have one for single servings), and freeze for an hour and then devour or put the brownie in the fridge for later.

every morning now on my walk i pass by this beautiful wild flower garden within dulwich park. could this be a location for my flower faerie project perhaps? we'll see when the sun returns to london i guess!

much love
alice solantania saga

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