Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Fall Sunday & Some Faerie Tales of Violette

happy sunday!

how is your weekend? mine has been quite wonderful. went to art class friday followed by my ballet class. while home i created a text to go with a photo i have given to the swedish journal/ magazine and its next issue:) i think the text was an honest "diary" from that very day i created that character. me & kew gardens a warm may day. yesterday was sort of a bad weather day so decided to do some at home art works together with going through some art books i have borrowed from the library. one amazing book about the works of degas. art & ballet = my life at the moment. i too solved a "problem"...a how on earth do i do faerie tale website is what has been frustrating but by mistake i figured it out haha!!! wonderful:) so today i have added so much to my website. i feel like i cracked the code of squarespace. 

if you want your life
to be a magnificent story
then begin by realising
that you are the author
and everyday
you have the opportunity
to write a new page

my morning walk was magical:)

the fall as displayed in dulwich

i finally got an appointment in the apple store to figure out where all my storage had gone and now i have space to create again on my computer:) so went through some location scouting photos i captured late september/ early october.

dulwich park and its wild flower garden
wild flower garden

peckham rye park and its sexby garden
peckham rye park

the beauty of richmond park

and its deer:)))

making progress with my 
faerie tales of violette website:)
alice solantania saga


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