to create or see creation
A Sunshine Violet Day
My ex boyfriend loved yellow and my nickname became SUNSHINE when I wore it:) So today is a mixture of Violet's attitude with the Sunshine one of Yellow.
I've created all day except from writing credits and starting to think about outfits for New York's Fashion Week. Too had a glass of wine at Franklins while creating my Strange Magic collage;)))
My first Violet Butterfly happened today too, see?
today's outfit
Beyond Retro sunshine dress
Marc by Marc Jacobs barrette
my aunts pearl earrings
Screaming Mimis bangles
grandma's gold heart
Burberry flowery printed flats
"And those who were
seen dancing were
thought to be insane by
those who could not bear
the music"
alice solantania saga
(quote of Nietzsche from Good Reads)
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