Friday, July 11, 2014

The Little House of the Prairie Girl

the magic of the games of thrones:))) aria aria aria! obsession once more. started book 2 in this saga the other day and is now back on track with hour long morning walks while listening to this amazing story of the starck's:))) the downer is our dreary weather that does drag you down so today i am all sunshine solantania saga the cute prairie way to counteract. 

this is my life

a lovely prairie outfit for a dreary rainy day

vintage prairie dress
screaming mimis flower barrette & bangles
grandma's gold heart
office ballerinas

a reminder to me

do what you love & do it often
if you don't like something, change it
go out & start creating
live your dream & share your passion

alice solantania saga

(image with quote from pinterest)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you fancy a drink and a viewing of 'The Great Gatsby 'later??

