Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today I Am GAME!

inget stoppar mig nu;0)!

such a day. i am always in awe of how sunshine and warmth makes this huge difference in the daily life of ours. all of a sudden this desire of living to the fullest comes to life. this morning started with the summer talks the swedish radio has each year, today i got to know the life of the inspirational helene ripa. she won gold in the paralympics this year:) her story almost made me cry several times, she made it despite it all. then when entering dulwich woods it was time for games of thrones! obsession all over again:) i wanna be a knight. sitting now in the sunshine blogging and will soon have to continue some prepping!

you just
know it's
to start something
new & trust

- meister eckhart

game on dulwich

a game play outfit

anna sui top with flower appliques
barbara hulanicki for top shop chiffon shorts
marc by marc jacobs bow barrette
ecco sandals

oh my dear dear violetta;) hallelujah is all i can say!

alice solantania saga

(Images in my collage that are not by me are taken from my pinterest (re-pinned)& tumblr (re-blogged), please let me know if I have used your image and you want to be credited and I will do asap!)

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