how are you? how is thursday treating you?
my morning started as usual with my walk. it was not a very pleasant one because it was raining and being ice cold plus my radio app was not behaving and same with the podcast i wanted to listen to. hopefully the rest of the day is to be better. press days are starting to happen and i think i am to go to a couple of them today. hopefully to find wonders:)) then a coffee at the albion might happen!
i am too putting this up on my wall:
this is your life. do what you want and do it often.
how are you? how is thursday treating you?
my morning started as usual with my walk. it was not a very pleasant one because it was raining and being ice cold plus my radio app was not behaving and same with the podcast i wanted to listen to. hopefully the rest of the day is to be better. press days are starting to happen and i think i am to go to a couple of them today. hopefully to find wonders:)) then a coffee at the albion might happen!
i am too putting this up on my wall:
this is your life. do what you want and do it often.
if you don't like something, change it. if you don't like your job, quit. if you don't have enough time, stop watching tv. if you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. stop over-analysing, life is simple. all emotions are beautiful. when you eat, appreciate every last bite. life is simple. open your heart, mind and arms to new things and people, we are united in our differences. ask the next person you see what their passion is and share your inspiring dream with them. travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. some opportunities only come once, seize them. life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.
life is short, live your dream and wear your passion.
a victorian outfit
vintage victorian lace blouse & velvet skirt
grandma's gold heart
top shop belt
screaming mimis bangles
wolford stockings
gabor shoes
inspiration (obsession) today is the crazy talented
i was researching ophelia and somehow came across these stunning photos. i am in love with isaure and her magic.
today's 2nd obsession is
gloria endres de oliveira
today's 2nd obsession is
gloria endres de oliveira
her icon image is created by the lovely lovely sofie olejnik. a while back i was greatly treated by her, go here if you wanna know how:)
tomorrow = an amazingly beautiful church thanks to a hadassi:)
tomorrow = an amazingly beautiful church thanks to a hadassi:)
happy thursday
alice solantania saga
oh! <3
adore your work:)
thank you, I can absolutely return the compliment! I hope we can meet and perhaps even work together one day! xoxo
that i would adore:)) happy saturday to you!!! xxx
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