this month i woke up:)
"why i wake early
hello, sun in my face.
hello, you who made the morning
and spread it over the fields
and into the faces of the tulips
and the nodding morning glories,
and into the windows of, even, the
miserable and the crotchety-
best preacher that ever was,
dear start, that just happens
to be where you are in the universe
to keep us from ever-darkness,
to ease us with warm touching,
to hold us in the great hands of light-
good morning, good morning, good morning.
watch, now, how i start the day
in happiness, in kindness."
yes beauty arrived
developing of the above beauty
inspirations from my books & magazines:)
i took an art class:))
meet venice!
the wallpaper at the breakfast club's powder rooms
emmaus at the lovely place of the classic car boot sale
the magic of car boot sale finds:) my strawberry girl outfit
brilliance as paired with valentino
a strawberry girl breekie
the strawberry girl
a self portrait by me
some press days also consists of the garden of eden;0)!
the bakery of the albion:) a place i love to hang at
jessie makes perfection
i went to meet up some other photography enthusiasts
these 2 beautiful prints are by simon olmetti
me brainstorming the faerie tales of violette at toasted
it's been such a month! the blossoms has arrived:) press days has arrived. inspiration has arrived. there has been cakes & fruits. some lovely people i have devoured. there has been the arrival of the strawberry girl. and a daily is the faerie tales of violette.
hello sun in my face
hello sun in my face
inspirations now
the above still is from the movie daisies by vera chytilová
don't know the source of this but i absolute love
same here, so sorry! i have no idea who captured this beauty
roses by me
march also gave me the beauty of r.m drake:
she did not find the grim
in falling apart. for
every time she found herself
to be broken, she knew
she was brutally remaking
herself, and collapsing
to be reborn like a
rioting star; haunting the
dark sky.
i believe in the person i want to become
-lana del rey
alice solantania saga
(the 2 images above that i do not have the source for , is saved & re-blogged on my tumblr & on my pinterest. if you know who created these 2 images, please let me know and i will credit asap.)
march also gave me the beauty of r.m drake:
she did not find the grim
in falling apart. for
every time she found herself
to be broken, she knew
she was brutally remaking
herself, and collapsing
to be reborn like a
rioting star; haunting the
dark sky.
i believe in the person i want to become
-lana del rey
alice solantania saga
(the 2 images above that i do not have the source for , is saved & re-blogged on my tumblr & on my pinterest. if you know who created these 2 images, please let me know and i will credit asap.)
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