Monday, May 30, 2016

A Poetic Faith Hope Love Alice in Wonderland Poetry Weekend


how are you? i hope you had a magical weekend filled with fun adventures or maybe instead full of quiet beauty? whatever brings you joy!

friday for me was art class & lino cutting. i traced from a cuteness drawing by lauren saxton of fair rosamund art which was published in our, the faerie tales of violette, first magazine pagan poetry. created 3 stamps with that girl. she is pink, blue & white as you can see in one of my images below:)

saturday i devoured a poetry class as created by south bank poetry. re-writing the works of lewis carroll and his alice in wonderland:))) i wrote my FIRST ever poem. it's one of the reads that is included in my little short film you can take a look at below:) the class was sort of focusing on rhyme poetry. the teacher katherine lockton was so gentle & encouraging. as was the founder of south bank  poetry peter whom too was there to help in any way. i am to dive into the world of poetry. it fits so beautifully with all i am creating. 

yesterday i took it easy. continued on my project faith hope & love:) organising my house a tiny bit more... the morning was just creating a beautiful long walk while listening to various podcasts. i have given you 5 that i love (go here if interested), i wanna add 3 more to that list:)

a work in progress:)))
faith hope & love
angel faith

friday's morning walk beauties
peckham rye common
wild flower garden

at friday's art class
devouring the works of lauren saxton:)))
lino cutting learning
linocutting art

art class



lino cutting

the poetry class was held at the poetry society and its cafe
alice in wonderland

i wore this for the poetry class:)
wayward daughter
wayward daughter dress
antique cross necklace
vintage bangles
office ballerinas

happy quirky:)

timehop is really my diary:)))

having fun with imovie:)))
one step at a time:)

some film stills
fairy magic

antique dolls

antique doll & art

eclectic house

mixed media art

faerie art

cat magic love

freddie's flowers

fairy art

film credits

faith hope love

life isn't long enough to do all you could accomplish. and a privilege to be alive. in spite of all the pollutions and horrors, how beautiful the world is. supposing you only saw the stars once every year. think what you would think. the wonder of it.

be joy

love to you
alice solantania saga

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