Tuesday, May 21, 2019


dear friends:)))💕💕💕

i am now in my flat that i have rented via airbnb in villeneuve lès avignon. 
 i adore my home,
 i absolute have fallen in love with this little village, 
the village of avignon. 
here there are no fast fashion, coffee shop chainstores
no diet cokes
 basically only french produce
 and organic at that. 
a haven for me:) for all of us i would say right!?
i am cooking now and i found that half of my sweet potato had gone bad, i can not remember when this happened to me last, it made me so happy. it should not be such a reaction but nowadays it probably should be a good thing then and agin since it means it's truly organic.
fresh organic food with no pesticides will go bad when it's time for it to do so.
then we can compost those and regenerate the soil!

people bike and they are aware of the environment 
everyone bring their own straw bag or fabric bag
 to get there vegetables to take home, 
there is no plastic covering the organic french vegetables etc etc
and soo many other things. it's a different pace to lifew

oh how can i count the ways
how much do i love thee???


  french human beings that surrounds me
my landlords are gold 
they are terrible though with their english,
 the trouble is that my french is worse than their english😂

i have taken a couple of outfit posts
it's outside of my flat
i call them my villeneueve lès avignon outfits
do i look a tiny bit french:)?
in the mornings i do have tea here when the weather permits

so my plan all along since booking this vacation has been that i wanted to create here
this morning i created a tiny thing
i found this mushroom sculpture the other day and realized i fit in to it
maybe she'll be my mushroom faerie
i found this dress in the charity shop of haven house in epping
( i used to volunteer here with the magic ladies carol & maggie)

one view of villeneuve lès avignon

oh dear how i fell in love with this tiny street
french people sooo decorate their windows 
with flowers and other magic things:)))

many of these lovely buildings

here is where i wanna create next...!!!
tomorrow i am to have a blowdry next door to my home and i hope to find a cute dress somewhere or a prop or maybe i should find something else? i do have a rochas cute dress with me, but not sure if it's extravagant enough. we'll see.
there is this lovely mountain that is filled with wild flowers
colline des mourgue

there are magic antique/ vintage markets on saturdays:)
i fell in love with this victorian nightgown
if it's there this coming weekend it will be mine💜

if you wanna follow my journey i am spamming my instagram stories at the moment😂

this trip is renewing me in so many ways. i am on a new chapter and i am proud of myself🌸
on another note
i am to contribute to the next swedish church in london magazine, kyrkobladet and its theme is timelessness in terms of art dreams and that nothing is ever too late to start. if you have any thoughts please fill me in on what i could create, my deadline is june 3rd.

another issue the theme was changes (or more specific in swedish förändring)
 and i gave the then editor, åsa höjer, a self portrait and a poem i created specifically for this issue and it's the story of a very hard personal journey in verse.

i named it 
faith hope & love

faith hope love

i was uprooted from my garden 
the garden where my sweetness gave me love
the place i had borne fruit
my faerie tale
an unknown took place
where all i had loved was taken

laughter where did you go?
gratitude where did you go?
safety where did you go?
dear god in the heavens where did you go?

sweetness i miss you
sweetness i miss you
sweetness i miss you

 along the journey
the beauty of life started to shine through
blue heavens
sunshine stroking my cheeks
blooms blossoming in rose violettes blues greens
in millions of shades
baby deer’s & bunnies everywhere
flowering butterflies
a world of smiles

the gift of new life
such joys
such happiness
i prayed 
dear god in the heavens help me
trust your way
and for me to
 embrace the magic
faith hope

- by me alice saga

how things can be wonderfully turned around by time and patience
 a continuous faith and hope

see you next week
take care
remember to 
nourish all your moments
i'll be back then
in epping 
 back to my beloved routines 

faith hope love to you

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